Friday, February 5, 2010

Wow! What Service!

The other morning I was out running errands. If you know me, you are now rereading that last sentence to see if you got it right. Yes, I was out of my house before noon! Anyway, I very hungry, so I went to get something to eat.

Well, next thing you know, I was ordering vegetarian fare, as usual. Then, when the very friendly gal asked me if I wanted a drink, I couldn't decide. It was as though this was the most monumental decision of my life. I finally said I'd take a small drink.

Then, after I paid the total, I was thinking my little run to a fast food place didn't cost that much. When I looked at my receipt, I realized I hadn't been charged for the small drink. Then, I wondered if she'd somehow given me a water cup, but realized they are different colors there.

So, I happily got my drink, and then told a couple of people how I'd taken such a long time to decide if I wanted a drink, that I got a free one. Everyone was really happy for me. If that isn't enough happiness for you, after I thanked her for the drink, the woman was still smiling and cheery when she gave me my food.

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