Monday, March 8, 2010

Rumors, Plastic, and Cancer

Okay, I'm not sure how this exactly relates to customer service, except it is important for consumers. I was trying to look up what I'd heard about plastic bottles, particularly used ones that had sat unrefridgerated for eight hours or more. I'd heard these bottles were found to leech chemicals and cause breast cancer. The American Cancer Society page says this story started as an email, and it is just a rumor. Apparently, the person who wrote the original email was writing a college thesis. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states that the DEHA in plastic bottles is not a carcinogen, or cancer causing agent for humans.
Personally, I still think glass is more natural than plastic. I try to recycle plastic bottles whenever I use them or somebody has used them. Well, actually, I recycle glass too. Glass comes from sand, and it comes from the earth. It's natural. Plastic comes from chemicals, and nobody is going to con me anymore into putting tap water in a plastic bottle and selling it to me as something else. Having said this, I guess I can't tell you that the chemicals in plastic likely cause cancer. However, I can say, I think plastic is unnatural.

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