Sunday, March 14, 2010

So, What's the Problem?

Somebody tried to return a box of golfballs to a sporting goods store.  He claimed he opened the box to discover there were different brands of balls in the inner boxes. This, of course was the store's fault, because it had supposedly sold the mixed-up box, since the outer box rang up $15 and was from said store.  The man said HE purchased the box just as it appeared right then.  He said it had no shrinkwrap on it.  There was no comment from the woman with him.  When management was called, the guy started talking louder and more animated, as though this would make him more convincing.  He claimed that the sporting good  store would have to pay for it's big problem. 

Another way the guy tried to prove his case was to say that one of the inner boxes alone was worth $50.  So, the employee of the sporting goods store who was standing there wanted to ask him, why wouldn't he keep the $50 box that came from a $15 one?  Wasn't that a real bargain?  What was the problem with that?  Anyway, when the inner boxes were scanned, they were not from the sporting goods store where they were being returned.  That's when the guy's story changed.  He turned to the female standing next to him and asked if she got them somewhere else.  Hadn't he already said HE bought them?  When the return couldn't be completed, the man angrily told the employees to throw away all of the golf balls.  Why?  Why wouldn't an honest and sane person just take them and leave?

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