Saturday, January 16, 2010

Bloody Ham

Ham is something I gave up for religious purposes, long before I became a vegetarian. I became a vegetarian for a variety of reasons, including my son wanting me to do it, and for moral views. The only reason I mention this is that I was especially disgusted when a woman walked up and said she had a "bloody ham". Later in the day, I said to a coworker who was playing with a returned item, a fishing pole for pets, "How come you get the fun stuff and I get the bloody ham?"

Anyway, this woman, who has brought food back previously, did not have a receipt. So, I told her she needed to trade food for food. She griped about this, but then returned to my register. When I asked for her driver's license, she complained again with a few expletives. Plus, she told me she'd heard my employer, Dingo Stores, Inc. was going to go out of business. I laughed a little and said I wasn't worried. She kept griping as I continued the exchange, and she asked for her gallon milk in a plastic bag. So, I put her gallon milk in a bag with the other two small items that she got to replace the "bloody" ham. She then asked me if I couldn't afford to give her another bag for her milk. So, I gave her another bag, thinking she can spend her little bit of remaining time on Earth filling it with plastic bags, which kill animals, especially turtles, but not excluding farm animals like sweet little pigs named Wilbur who are turned into hams, which a woman will claim is bloody... and life as we know it will continue in the same fashion in a world where our oceans are filled with debris that is mostly (at least 60%) plastic.

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