Friday, January 8, 2010

Fifteen Hundred Dollars, Please

In the real story, it was one hundred dollars less, but I'm not sure how to spell that number at three o'clock in the morning, so I will just change it. Plus, it's best to try to disguise these stories to protect everyone's privacy. Okay, a woman was cashing her $1500 paycheck at a customer service counter somewhere. The agent thought she requested as many "ones" as possible. Thinking she was mad, the employee wondered how few he could get away with giving her. He almost verified this is what she'd requested. Verifying wouldn't have been a bad idea! Nevertheless, he didn't say anything, silently shaking his head. When the woman saw him counting out a bunch of ones, she said something. Apparently, she'd requested as many one hundreds as possible! The agent thought this was kind of funny, but the customer was bitingly critical and said she was in a hurry. After that was determined, the transaction was finished. However, then the woman wanted to purchase two money orders. The agent told the woman the total of the two money orders, but the customer said that was wrong, and renamed the amount about a thousand dollars off. When the employee explained that the computer calculated the total, and read it again, the woman apologized. Having previously bitten his tongue, the guy tried to lighten things by saying, "Oh, you've just been around me too long!"

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