Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Check Inside the Box

If a customer service employee ever doubted the necessity of checking inside a box, he needs to read this. A couple was returning automobile speakers with a receipt within the store's time perameters and according to their specific rules for return. The customer service employee called a person from the auto department and asked if she was qualified to check the box for all contents. She was told to check for instructions and speakers. So, she opened the box, looked down in it, saw speakers with egg carton packing material guarding the edges of them. She didn't see any instruction booklets, but there in the empty space next to the speaker were pieces of celery! It was like the ends a person cuts off and doesn't eat. She said, "There is celery in here!"

"Excuse me?" the guy responded. The woman showed the customer the celery, and he explained that the box had been thrown in the garbage before they realized they would be returning them. The employee dumped out the pieces of celery into a trashcan and then asked if there were no instructions. The man said they'd have to go home to get them. So, the employee stickered the box appropriately and expected to see them later. But, they never returned.

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