Monday, December 14, 2009

4:20 AM

I guess I am the one who needs a sleep aid. Or, if I took one I was unaware, and it was obviously the nondrowsy formula. Right? I am up doing laundry that I promised one of my sons I would do before bed last night. Then, I got tired and went to bed forgetting about the promise. When I was down in the basement folding laundry, I think I saw a little mouse run under the couch. This is the first one I've ever seen in the house. I'd seen one in the garage, but I didn't care too much about that. I'm a vegetarian, and I don't believe in killing animals, but at the same time I don't want uninvited ones in my house. I used to have pet mice, but I'm not sure if I want to pick this one up like it's a pet, because maybe it will have a disease or something.

Looking around on the floor down here in the basement, the food containers left by my kids have now been discarded, but I noticed they didn't even leave a crumb for the mouse (notice I'm being positive and not saying plural.)

I've only been blogging for a few days, and this was my first one ever, though a few years ago I'd create little websites, not knowing what in the heck I was doing. But, even though I only have 2 blogs now, I think I'm going to quit keeping them, because nobody follows them. I guess one or both could sort of be a journal or journals, but to me, I wanted someone out there to read them. At least on Facebook, every once in a while a friend will read my updates.

If you (my nonexistent reader) are thinking this post has nothing to do with customer service, I don't believe you are completely right. I say this because I am not sleeping, partly because of the laundry, and partly because I feel pretty stressed, and part of that is thinking about my customer service job.

I've only been working at customer service for a few weeks, but then again, my last few years in retail were very related. I think what I'm learning is that this job dealing with people is like any other job I've had dealing with people, and most of my jobs I've had to do that at least a little. I've had a lot of different kinds of employment. Anyway, my conclusions are pretty much that no matter what, sometimes a customer will really push my buttons, and other times I'm pushing his or hers. At those times, I am sometimes not really caring that I am, I am just doing my job. It's hard to say why one person will drive me crazy inside and make me feel like losing control, but then another person will annoy me, and yet I just want him to leave with his $72.05 and I want him to stop talking to me. By the way, I think I pushed his buttons too, and he took his time putting away his money, and then he left the nickel on the counter.

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