Friday, December 18, 2009

Oh No She Didn't!

A woman came up to the Customer Service Counter tonight, and said, "Do you remember me?"
I said, "Yes," and I thought, vividly. I remembered her complaints from the previous night. There was something wrong with her brand new thingamajigger, and on her initial purchase, nobody had given her a pamphlet to go with the thingamajigger warranty. Funny thing was, she was holding a warranty pamphlet, and she had the warranty coverage on her receipt, so that didn't really matter. She didn't need the pamphlet to get a replacement thingamajigger.
Tonight, the customer simply said that she didn't remember the manager's name, but that he said to give her a $50 gift card. There was a line of people behind the woman. She seemed not to notice, and just stood there texting on her phone, as though she had all of the time in the world. I called the management office and verified what the customer had told me. Plus, I found out which manager(whose name I mispronounced on the phone...way to go)had sent the woman up there, and I found out, or was reminded of the customer's first name. Well, so I gave her a $50 gift card. I thought that would be the end of her.
A few minutes later, the phone rang. The employee next to me answered it. She said that the woman who'd been given the $50 gift card went back to the Thingamajiggers Department and lodged a complaint about my being rude.

Later, when telling this story, I commented, "All I did was verify that I was supposed to give the woman a $50 gift card, and then I did it. I wish someone would be that rude to me!" The only other thing I could imagine might have happened is that she had made complaint earlier rather than later, and that the reason she was getting the gift card was because she'd lied and said I was rude. I wasn't rude to anyone last night or tonight. She had bad vibes, as well as being a bold-faced liar.

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