Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Woman in a Red Coat

This woman who always comes into the store wearing a red and white coat came in today, wearing, you guessed it, a red and white coat. Let's see, today she first wanted to tell me she had the flu. She was obviously trying in every way she could think of to try to push my buttons. I told her I'd had my seasonal flu shot, and the h1n1 shot. She told me that I could still get the flu, and that she didn't get her flu shots, because they make her sick. I remembered this customer from the last three times she was in the store complaining, but she wanted to argue with me even about how many times I'd helped her. She was name dropping again, saying what manager she talked to today. She did this the other times too. She wanted refunds on things she claimed didn't make it home with her. She said that the people at my store who worked in Customer Service were rude, and she said they made her feel like she was lying. I said I wasn't responsible for how she felt, and I couldn't make anyone feel anything. She told me she worked in law enforcement and then she dropped the "f" word a couple of times, and I said I didn't need to hear her cussing. She apologized to me. I kept thinking how much I disliked this woman, but I just wanted to keep my cool. It helped that people kept walking by me and saying friendly things to me, like "Hi," and addressing me by name. I don't know if this woman is a "secret shopper" or a bat out of hell sent to torment me. Maybe she just wants attention. Plus, she probably wants money. I'll bet she doesn't even work. I'll bet what she does for law enforcement is she keeps the police in business by shoplifting when she's not scamming stores and businesses. Okay, I'm writing in first person, and I have an angry tone. So shoot me...in the arm with a flu shot, or one that keeps red bats away.

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