Wednesday, December 9, 2009

No Refund

The reason we won't refund an expensive item without a receipt is because someone probably stole it instead of paying for it. Maybe the theif is not the person who actually comes to the Customer Service Counter with valid forms of ID, but it is this person's friend, who has lied to the friend.

On the other hand, we do refund inexpensive things that we know you bought a decade ago from the look of the box of a game with play money and dice, but if you want your ID put into our system, we will give you store credit. However, you don't have to waste everybody's time pretending you think you might have the receipt in your purse! I know I returned a game once that literally contained a piece of graph paper and some plastic discs. This was within a week of purchasing it, and I had my receipt, plus I'd used a purchased discount card to that store. In other words, I was a loyal customer of that bookstore. However, that manager gave me a hard time, because I'd opened the game! Well, I don't know how I was supposed to know it wasn't worth what I paid for it!

As long as we are talking about refunds, I might as well tell you what I need to know at the Customer Service Counter where I work. I don't really need to hear a long detailed story about each thing you are returning, I just need to know a few things, which I will ask you. The people waiting in the line behind you just want us to get through the return as quickly as possible!


  1. Love it - I feel the same way, no need to talk - jsut hand me the item, your receipt and let's get on with our lives!!!

  2. Yeah, it's like people think we base our return decisions on the believability of the stories we hear.
