Thursday, December 24, 2009

Xmas Eve, Falalalala

Before you say you hate it that I wrote "Xmas" Eve, you must understand that I don't celebrate this holiday, and in my religion we are not supposed to write the names of anyone's g-ds, including our one G-d. So, I write this with respect to those of you who do celebrate Xmas. Okay, that out of the way, I'm on my lunch hour on Xmas Eve, and I've only had one customer use the F-word today. No, it wasn't "Falalalala," but that's a nice guess. She was mad because she wanted her money (actually, I guess technically it was her dad's money, since she said he bought it for her) back for the movie "Orphan" which she'd opened. I explained that since she'd opened it, and there were copyright laws, she could only exchange it for the same exact title. She said, "You mean then I could bring that back and exchange it, because it wouldn't be opened?" And then I explained that no, because that would have to be opened since what she brought back was opened, and that was another law. Well, that's when she cussed me out and stormed out of the store. Someone who was standing in line and had witnessed her tantrum asked if everyone was like that about movies. I explained that not usually to the cursing extreme. And, I think that's a cool movie anyway.

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