Sunday, December 27, 2009

Don't Let the Door Hit You...

Today, the 27th of December, at Dingo Department Store, this nice boy explained how his mother had bought the right game for the wrong game system. He understood the copyright laws, and understood the replacement game needed to be the same title, and that the Dingo's store employee was allowing the different game system component of the exchange. He went to get the other game, but instead got his father (or was it his grandfather?) who marched up in front of other people to the customer service counter and demanded that the electronic games department bring up the correct game. He said the store's major competitor, Bingo, would handle the matter in that way. The employee almost burst out laughing, but then tried to call the department on the phone. The phone line was literally busy, and there was nothing the employee could do, except to call for management on his register. Management came up, and told the man there was nothing that could be done, that he'd have to go get the game himself. A while later, the man returned to the counter, rudely cut in line again, and was saying that the whole reason the wrong game was purchased was because an employee from the games department told the boy's mother (the man's wife? or daughter?) that a newer game, for Machine 3 could be played on a Machine 2. Even a child knows that a Machine 3 game can't be played on a Machine 2, though a Machine 2 game could be played on a Machine 3. The newer technology won't work on an older machine, though a game for a Machine 2 would work on a Machine 3. Anyway, despite this being common sense, the man maintained that at Bingo the employees are more knowledgeable and wouldn't have mislead the woman. He was really carrying on and when the employee of Dingo asked him to sign a piece of paper, he angrily asked, "With what?" the Dingo employee suggested he could use his middle finger... or a pen. The man was still praising Bingo, and cutting down Dingo and was oblivious to the fact that all around him people thought he was a jerk for cutting in line and yelling nonsense about which only he cared.

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