Sunday, December 20, 2009

You Get What You Paid

Sometimes, someone will bring back an item that has gone up in price, and he or she will want the refund to be the larger amount. But, as I told two people in a row today, "You get what you paid." Apparently, movies go up in price on Sunday if there are no new movies out on video. And yes, I am following copyright laws and only refunding money for unopened movies. This guy was trying to tell me his reason for returning the unopened movie was he realized it was not in English and had the words scrolling across the bottom of the screen. I prompted, "Oh, subtitles?" Another person, coincidentally the mother of my partner's ex, brought back something from her freezer, and said there was no expiration date on it. Since she had the receipt, I was able to give her a refund, but she asked me why the price changed, just like the guy who didn't like subtitles. So, two times in a row I said, "You get what you paid." Then, my partner's ex returned a webcam. I didn't even realize or look at this person, until after the two people had left and I looked at the receipt. In other words, I can do one or two returns with receipts and never really look at the person, I am just examining the items and the receipts.

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